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18.1 Power LED Signalling

The Power LED is used to signal the current state of the SP-ICE-3 Card, particularly during the card's own power-up sequence, which proceeds through a number of stages as detailed below.

Power LED Signal Patterns.

The Power LED flashes (or blinks) in various patterns according to the current state of the card.

Each pattern repeats with a basic cycle time of two seconds.

During each cycle, the Power LED may be permanently ON, permanently OFF, or may flash one to four times, with pauses between consecutive flashes.

SP-ICE-3 Card State

Power LED signal pattern



Power Off

  • Permanently OFF:

  • ⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫


Reasonably obvious.

Power On

SPL and U-Boot starting and running, FPGA loading.

  • All LEDs on the card, including the Power LED, light up briefly.


All FPGA output pins revert to Hi-Z, which in effect causes a "lamp test" of the LEDs.

Normally, this stage lasts about 10s.

Note  Note

If the SP-ICE-3 Card does not reach this stage, or progress beyond it, check the following:

  • depending on how the SP-ICE-3 Card is installed, make sure that the appropriate power supply is securely connected to the card.

  • is the SD-Card correctly inserted in its slot (X800)?

  • is there a valid Image on the SD-Card?

FPGA running, Kernel starting.

  • Heart-beat flash pattern:

    ½s on, ½s off, ½s on, ½s off.

  • ☼☼⚫⚫☼☼⚫⚫


From this point on, it is possible to use the X803 Console.

Normally, this stage lasts less than 30s.

Note  Note

If the SP-ICE-3 Card does not progress beyond this stage, check the following:

  • is there a valid Image on the SD-Card?

Kernel running, SP-ICE-3 Process starting.

  • Single flash pattern:

    ¼s on, 1¾s off.

  • ☼⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫


The kernel's FPGA driver module has started successfully, and the main SP-ICE-3 Process is now starting.

Normally, this stage lasts about 1 minute.

Note  Note

If the SP-ICE-3 Card does not progress beyond this stage, check the following:

  • is there a valid Image on the SD-Card?

SP-ICE-3 Process initialising,

which may include:

AOT compilation of newly installed or updated components.

  • Double flash pattern:

    ¼s on, ¼s off, ¼s on, 1¼s off.

  • ☼⚫☼⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫


During the initialisation stage, the main SP-ICE-3 Process is configured and made ready for normal operation.

This stage usually lasts less than 1 minute.

  • During AOT compilation, the card pre-compiles various internal components of the firmware for better performace.

    This happens only once following installation or update of the firmware.

    It can take several minutes to complete AOT, but it is an intrinsic part of the firmware update process.

Note  Note

If the SP-ICE-3 Card does not progress beyond this stage, check the Error Log file(s) via the Web-Interface.

SP-ICE-3 Process started successfully.

  • ON:

  • ☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼


The card is ready to accept connections from Clients.





Firmware Update in progress.

  • Triple flash pattern:

    ¼s on, ¼s off, ¼s on, ¼s off, ¼s on, ¾s off.

  • ☼⚫☼⚫☼⚫⚫⚫


The Update Installation process has been triggered by the arrival of an Update Package.

This stage can last 10 minutes or more (depending on the exact contents of the Update Package), after which the SP-ICE-3 Card should automatically reboot itself.

Note  Note

If the SP-ICE-3 Card does not progress beyond this stage, check the Error Log file(s) via the Web-Interface.

SP-ICE-3 Process not running.

  • Quadruple flash pattern:

    ¼s on, ¼s off, ¼s on, ¼s off, ¼s on, ¼s off, ¼s on, ¼s off.

  • ☼⚫☼⚫☼⚫☼⚫


  • The main SP-ICE-3 Process has terminated unexpectedly, or has failed to start;

  • or

  • The card has booted the Recovery Image.

Note  Note

The card will attempt to fall back to the Recovery Image when it fails to start either of the main images. This could be the result of an incomplete or failed update, for instance.

Check the Error Log file(s) via the Web-Interface.