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18.2 Card Operating State

When the SP-ICE-3 Card runs into an error that can not be solved automatically then an operating error state is entered. From within this state executing lists is not possible and will lead to an exception. All other API commands can be called in order to allow solving the error that sent the card into the error state.

Operational States

The SP-ICE-3 Card knows the following operational states:

Operating State



Default. The card is operating normally.


Initialization failed during startup of the card. In most cases the cards error logs will contain the error that caused the problem. Read 18.3 How to view the Card's Error Log on how to access the logs on the card. Remember to clear the error after solving the cause by calling ResetOperatingState.


Configuration failed during startup of the card. In most cases the cards error logs will contain the error that caused the problem. Read 18.3 How to view the Card's Error Log on how to access the logs on the card. In most cases replacing the configuration on the card that caused the error by a new configuration with sane values using the SP-ICE-3 Configuration Tool (SPICE3Config.exe) will solve the problem. Remember to clear the error afterwards by calling ResetOperatingState.


See 14.2 Scanner Monitoring for details on what causes this error. This error can be cleared by calling ResetOperatingState.


The 14.2 Scanner Monitoring feature produced an error while enabled and was unable to recover from this error. This does not mean that the scanner itself reported an error. In most cases the cards error logs will contain the error that caused the problem. Read 18.3 How to view the Card's Error Log on how to access the logs on the card. Remember to clear the error after solving the cause by calling ResetOperatingState.

GetOperatingState will return the current operating state.