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10.4.3 GPIO Preset Configurations for Adapters

Various Adapters are available for the SP-ICE-3 Card which provide access to specialized hardware interfaces by making them compatible with the card's built-in GPIO hardware interfaces.

In the following sections, we describe the GPIO Configurations provided to support these Adapters.

Note  Note

The SP-ICE-3 Card automatically reads the required configuration from any Adapter(s) it finds during the boot sequence, and applies the configuration to the appropriate GPIO Port.

The GPIO Configuration for a particular Adapter is permanently programmed into that Board during production.

The configurations below are provided for comparison only.

They can be displayed by the SP-ICE-3 Configuration Tool (SPICE3Config.exe), but they cannot be altered from within the tool.

Checking Port D or E for an attached Adapter

XY2-100 Adapter R2: GPIO Port E

Fairly obviously, this adapter allows one to connect a scanner with an XY2-100 interface to the SP-ICE-3 Card.

Its configuration can be displayed by following GPIO Port E Configuration Procedure.

XY2-100 Adapter R2: GPIO Port E Configuration
SP-ICE-3 GpioE XY 2-100 Adapter Board R 2 Configuration
TruPulse Nano / SPI Laser-Adapter: GPIO Port D

This adapter allows one to connect a scanner with an SPI Lasers interface to the SP-ICE-3 Card.

Its configuration can be displayed by following GPIO Port D Configuration Procedure.

TruPulse Nano / SPI Laser-Adapter: GPIO Port D Configuration
SP-ICE-3 GpioD SPI Adapter Board Configuration
IPG-compatible Adapter: GPIO Port D

This adapter allows one to connect a scanner with an IPG-compatible interface to the SP-ICE-3 Card.

Its configuration can be displayed by following GPIO Port D Configuration Procedure.

IPG-compatible Adapter: GPIO Port D Configuration
SP-ICE-3 GpioD IPG Adapter Board Configuration
See Also