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17.10 SPICE3Config Tool Procedures

Many operating and process parameters of the SP-ICE-3 Card can be configured to fit the requirements of your particular application.

The entire configuration may then be stored in the card's non-volatile memory, and will be automatically loaded each time the card's firmware starts up.

For this purpose, the SP-ICE-3 Configuration Tool (SPICE3Config.exe) is installed by default on the Host-PC, and may be used to effect any necessary configuration of the card.

Various specialised configuration procedures are described in detail in the following chapters.

Danger  Warning!

To avoid unexpected activation of the laser, always use the power-up sequence described in 1.4.2 Safe System Power and Reboot Sequencing.

Connecting to the Card
Configuration Procedures

Follow one or more of these detailed procedures:

Configuration Task

Detailed Procedure

Config Tool Tab

Scanner parameters and field size.

7.1.8 Scanner Configuration Procedure


Laser operating parameters and signals.

7.2.1 Laser Configuration Procedure


Process Variable initial values.

7.3.4 Process Variable Configuration Procedure


MOTF operating parameters. MOTF Configuration Procedure


I/O Port parameters and function mappings.

10.4.2 GPIO Port Configuration Procedures