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17.1 Accessing the card with the SP-ICE-3 Configuration Tool

Many operating and process parameters of the SP-ICE-3 Card can be configured to fit the requirements of your particular application.

The entire configuration may then be stored in the card's non-volatile memory, and will be automatically loaded each time the card's firmware starts up.

For this purpose, the SP-ICE-3 Configuration Tool (SPICE3Config.exe) is installed by default on the Host-PC, and may be used to effect any necessary changes to the configuration of the card.

Danger  Warning!

To avoid unexpected activation of the laser, always use the power-up sequence described in 1.4.2 Safe System Power and Reboot Sequencing.

Launching the SP-ICE-3 Configuration Tool (SPICE3Config.exe)

  • Make sure the card has been installed according to one of the Installation Procedures.

    Also ensure that both card and Host-PC are powered up, and that you are logged in on the Host-PC.

  • From the Start Menu on the Host-PC, start the SP-ICE-3 Configuration Tool (SPICE3Config.exe).

    SP-ICE-3 Configuration-Start

Selecting the Card

Connecting to the Card

  • Once you have selected the relevant card, or entered its IP-Address directly, click the Connect button.

    SP-ICE-3 Configuration-Discovered
  • Check the information displayed on the various tabs, especially the Serial Number and Product Version on the General tab.

    SP-ICE-3 Configuration-General

Uploading Configuration Data to the Card

  • All tabs which allow changes to the card's configuration feature an Upload to card button.

  • You can upload configuration data from the currently active tab to the card's non-volatile memory by clicking the Upload to card button which appears on that tab.

    • To discard any outstanding changes on the currently active tab, either

      1. click the Refresh button to retrieve the card's existing values again, or

      2. simply close the SP-ICE-3 Configuration Tool (SPICE3Config.exe) without clicking the Upload to card button.