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6.1 Scan Head Connections

A given scan head can be connected by any one of four different methods to the SP-ICE-3 Card.

The appropriate choice for your application depends mainly on the following criterea:

  • Analog or Digital scanners?

  • One or Two scan head(s)?

  • 2D or 3D scan head(s)?

The four methods of connecting scan head(s) to the card are illustrated below.

Analog 2D or 3D Scan Head via XY2-100 Adapter.

The scan head contains 2 or 3 analog scanners.

See: 4.1 XY2-100 Adapters for details of the adapter board.

Head Configuration XY2-100.svg not found.
Single Digital 2D Scan Head via single SL2 channel.

The scan head contains two digital scanners.

Head Configuration SL2 Single2D.svg not found.
Dual Digital 2D Scan Heads via dual SL2 channels.

Both scan heads contain two digital scanners each.

Head Configuration SL2 Dual2D.svg not found.
Single Digital 3D Scan Head via dual SL2 channels.

The scan head contains three digital scanners.

Head Configuration SL2 Single3D.svg not found.