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5.5.3 Manually configuring the Card's IPv4-Address seen by the Host

How to assign a static IPv4 address to your SP-ICE-3 Card.

Note  Note
  • Please make quite certain that your application really does require the card to have a statically assigned IPv4 address, before beginning this procedure!

  • Under all normal circumstances, the card will either obtain (via DHCP), or automatically assign itself, a perfectly reasonable IPv4 address.

    Please refer to: 5.5.2 Obtaining Card IP-Addresses.

  1. Open the card's Web Interface by following the instructions in 17.2 How to Open the Card's Web Interface

    • Obviously, we will need to know (or obtain) the card's current IPv4 address, or its IPv6 address, before we can do this.

      Please refer to: 5.5.2 Obtaining Card IP-Addresses.

  2. Select the NETWORK page on the Web Interface.

    SP-ICE-3 WebIF-Settings-Start
  3. Scroll down to the eth0 or eth1 address/mask entry fields, as necessary.

    SP-ICE-3 WebIF-Settings-IPv 4-Address
  4. Enter your desired address/mask values, and then click the Save Network Settings button (at the bottom of the NETWORK page).

    SP-ICE-3 WebIF-Network-Save

    The card stores the values in EEPROM, and will use them next time it is (re)booted.