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5.5.1 How to Change the Network Location identified by the Host-PC

When a SP-ICE-3 Card is installed either internally, or externally in peer-to-peer configuration, and the Host-PC is running Windows 7 or 10, the connection to the card is detected by the Host-PC as a network with exactly two nodes: the Host-PC itself, and the card.

For any detected network, Windows uses what is termed the Network Location to determine what basic security policy to apply when accessing that network.

The network location can be PUBLIC, WORK, or HOME.

When the SP-ICE-3 Card's network is detected, and depending on the exact details of the Windows installation, including any local Network Managment policies in force, the Host-PC may either:

  • automatically assign the network location PUBLIC to the connection,


  • ask the user to determine what network location to assign to the connection.

Unfortunately, if the network location is PUBLIC, the card will not immediately be discoverable, because Windows blocks the SSDP protocol by default on PUBLIC networks.

The solution is to manually change the network location to WORK or HOME, as described by many online sources.

  • Please search online for e.g. windows 7 change network type from public , and follow the method most suitable for your particular circumstances.

Once the network location has been successfully changed to WORK or HOME, the card should become discoverable by the SP-ICE-3 Configuration Tool (SPICE3Config.exe).