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CommandListAppendBranchRel(Int32, String, Boolean) Method

Conditionally branches to a relative target command position within the current list.

Namespace: RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib
Assembly: RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib (in RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib.dll) Version: 3.7.0
public void AppendBranchRel(
	int pos,
	string booleanVariableName,
	bool ifNotTrue = false


pos  Int32
The relative position of the branch target command within the current list.
booleanVariableName  String
The name of the boolean variable.
ifNotTrue  Boolean  (Optional)
false (default)
the branch is taken if the variable's value is true

Appends a BRANCH_REL_COND_FLAG command to the list.

Caution note  Caution

Conditional BRANCH commands do NOT automatically de-activate the laser.

See also: 12.9 Notes on Flow-Control Commands.

See also: Flow-Control within the current Command List

Common Branch Command Examples
uint bitmask = 0x5AA5;

string labelname = "label";
string varname = "var";

CommandList list = new CommandList();
list.AppendJumpAbs( 0, 0 );         // at list offset 0.
list.AppendMarkAbs( 500, 500 );     // at list offset 1.
list.AppendJumpAbs( 100, 200 );     // at list offset 2.
list.AppendLabel( labelname );      // label placed before the command it designates
list.AppendMarkAbs( 500, 500 );     // <--- this is the branch target, at list offset 3.
list.AppendJumpAbs( 200, 300 );     // at list offset 4.

// Append various branch commands to the list:
for ( int i = 0; i < 9; i++ )
    switch ( i )
        case 0:
            list.AppendBranchAbs( 3 ); // Unconditional

        case 1:
            list.AppendBranchRel( -2 ); // Unconditional

        case 2:
            list.AppendBranchToLabel( labelname ); // Unconditional

        case 3:
            list.AppendBranchAbs( 3, bitmask, IOPort.PortB, true ); // Conditional on value read from port.

        case 4:
            list.AppendBranchRel( -2, bitmask, IOPort.PortB, true ); // Conditional on value read from port.

        case 5:
            list.AppendBranchToLabel( labelname, bitmask, IOPort.PortB, true ); // Conditional on value read from port.

        case 6:
            list.AppendBranchAbs( 3, varname ); // Conditional on value of the boolean variable on the card.

        case 7:
            list.AppendBranchRel( -2, varname ); // Conditional on value of the boolean variable on the card.

        case 8:
            list.AppendBranchToLabel( labelname, varname ); // Conditional on value of the boolean variable on the card.


    Console.WriteLine( $"{i + 1}: list commands:" );
    int count = 0;
    foreach ( var cmd in list )
        if ( count < ( list.Count - 2 ) )
            Console.Write( $" {count++}: {cmd.ToString()} " );
            Console.WriteLine( $" {count++}: {cmd.ToString()}" );

    list.RemoveAt( list.Count - 1 ); // we're going to replace the branch command, but re-use the rest of the list

// output should be:
// 1: list commands:
//  0: { JA, P2D[ X=0 Y=0 ] }  1: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  2: { JA, P2D[ X=100 Y=200 ] }  3: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  4: { JA, P2D[ X=200 Y=300 ] }
//  5: { BA, I32[ 3 ] }
// 2: list commands:
//  0: { JA, P2D[ X=0 Y=0 ] }  1: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  2: { JA, P2D[ X=100 Y=200 ] }  3: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  4: { JA, P2D[ X=200 Y=300 ] }
//  5: { BR, I32[ -2 ] }
// 3: list commands:
//  0: { JA, P2D[ X=0 Y=0 ] }  1: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  2: { JA, P2D[ X=100 Y=200 ] }  3: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  4: { JA, P2D[ X=200 Y=300 ] }
//  5: { BA, I32[ 0 ] }
// 4: list commands:
//  0: { JA, P2D[ X=0 Y=0 ] }  1: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  2: { JA, P2D[ X=100 Y=200 ] }  3: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  4: { JA, P2D[ X=200 Y=300 ] }
//  5: { BAC, I32[ 3 ], U32[ 23205 ], I32[ 1 ], Bool[ False ], Bool[ True ], U32[ 4294967295 ] }
// 5: list commands:
//  0: { JA, P2D[ X=0 Y=0 ] }  1: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  2: { JA, P2D[ X=100 Y=200 ] }  3: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  4: { JA, P2D[ X=200 Y=300 ] }
//  5: { BRC, I32[ -2 ], U32[ 23205 ], I32[ 1 ], Bool[ False ], Bool[ True ], U32[ 4294967295 ] }
// 6: list commands:
//  0: { JA, P2D[ X=0 Y=0 ] }  1: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  2: { JA, P2D[ X=100 Y=200 ] }  3: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  4: { JA, P2D[ X=200 Y=300 ] }
//  5: { BAC, I32[ 0 ], U32[ 23205 ], I32[ 1 ], Bool[ False ], Bool[ True ], U32[ 4294967295 ] }
// 7: list commands:
//  0: { JA, P2D[ X=0 Y=0 ] }  1: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  2: { JA, P2D[ X=100 Y=200 ] }  3: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  4: { JA, P2D[ X=200 Y=300 ] }
//  5: { BACF, I32[ 3 ], U32[ 2317739966 ], Bool[ False ] }
// 8: list commands:
//  0: { JA, P2D[ X=0 Y=0 ] }  1: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  2: { JA, P2D[ X=100 Y=200 ] }  3: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  4: { JA, P2D[ X=200 Y=300 ] }
//  5: { BRCF, I32[ -2 ], U32[ 2317739966 ], Bool[ False ] }
// 9: list commands:
//  0: { JA, P2D[ X=0 Y=0 ] }  1: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  2: { JA, P2D[ X=100 Y=200 ] }  3: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  4: { JA, P2D[ X=200 Y=300 ] }
//  5: { BACF, I32[ 0 ], U32[ 2317739966 ], Bool[ False ] }
See Also