Click or drag to resize

CommandList Methods

The CommandList type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleAppendArcAbs(Point2D, Double)

Marks a circular arc from the current position, described by the given absolute center-point co-ordinates and sweep angle.

Public methodCode exampleAppendArcAbs(Point3D, Double)

Marks a circular helix from the current position, described by the given absolute center-point co-ordinates and sweep angle.

Public methodCode exampleAppendArcAbs(Double, Double, Double)

Marks a circular arc from the current position, described by the given absolute center-point co-ordinates and sweep angle.

Public methodCode exampleAppendArcAbs(Double, Double, Double, Double)

Marks a circular helix from the current position, described by the given absolute center-point co-ordinates and sweep angle.

Public methodCode exampleAppendArcRel(Point2D, Double)

Marks a circular arc from the current position, described by the given relative center-point co-ordinates and sweep angle.

Public methodCode exampleAppendArcRel(Point3D, Double)

Marks a circular helix from the current position, described by the given relative center-point co-ordinates and sweep angle.

Public methodCode exampleAppendArcRel(Double, Double, Double)

Marks a circular arc from the current position, described by the given relative center-point co-ordinates and sweep angle.

Public methodCode exampleAppendArcRel(Double, Double, Double, Double)

Marks a circular helix from the current position, described by the given relative center-point co-ordinates and sweep angle.

Public methodAppendArmLaser Arms or disarms the "hot" laser.
Public methodAppendBitmapLineAbs(Point2D, Point2D, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates.

Public methodAppendBitmapLineAbs(Point3D, Point3D, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates.

Public methodAppendBitmapLineAbs(Double, Double, Double, Double, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates.

Public methodAppendBitmapLineAbs(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates.

Public methodAppendBitmapLineRel(Point2D, Point2D, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates.

Public methodAppendBitmapLineRel(Point3D, Point3D, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates.

Public methodAppendBitmapLineRel(Double, Double, Double, Double, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates.

Public methodAppendBitmapLineRel(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates.

Public methodAppendBooleanSet

Sets the value of a BooleanVariable.

Public methodCode exampleAppendBranchAbs(Int32)

Unconditionally branches to an absolute target command position within the current list.

Public methodCode exampleAppendBranchAbs(Int32, String, Boolean)

Conditionally branches to an absolute target command position within the current list.

Public methodCode exampleAppendBranchAbs(Int32, UInt32, IOPort, Boolean, Boolean, UInt32)

Conditionally branches to an absolute target command position within the current list.

Public methodCode exampleAppendBranchList(Int32)

Unconditionally branches to the specified list.

Public methodCode exampleAppendBranchList(Int32, String, Boolean)

Conditionally branches to the specified list.

Public methodCode exampleAppendBranchList(Int32, UInt32, IOPort, Boolean, Boolean, UInt32)

Conditionally branches to the specified list.

Public methodCode exampleAppendBranchRel(Int32)

Unconditionally branches to a relative target command position within the current list.

Public methodCode exampleAppendBranchRel(Int32, String, Boolean)

Conditionally branches to a relative target command position within the current list.

Public methodCode exampleAppendBranchRel(Int32, UInt32, IOPort, Boolean, Boolean, UInt32)

Conditionally branches to a relative target command position within the current list.

Public methodAppendBranchStandAloneList

Executes the Stand-Alone List.

Public methodCode exampleAppendBranchToLabel(String) Unconditionally branches to a labelled target command position within the current list.
Public methodCode exampleAppendBranchToLabel(String, String, Boolean) Conditionally branches to a labeled target command position within the current list.
Public methodCode exampleAppendBranchToLabel(String, UInt32, IOPort, Boolean, Boolean, UInt32) Conditionally branches to a labeled target command position within the current list.
Public methodCode exampleAppendCallList(Int32)

Unconditionally call to the specified list.

Public methodCode exampleAppendCallList(Int32, String, Boolean)

Conditionally call to the specified list.

Public methodCode exampleAppendCallList(Int32, UInt32, IOPort, Boolean, Boolean, UInt32)

Conditionally call to the specified list.

Public methodAppendCaseAbs(Int32, Int32)

Used in a switch-block, specifies a test case and the absolute offset of a target command within the current list.

Public methodAppendCaseAbs(Int32, UInt32)

Used in a switch-block, specifies a test case and the absolute offset of a target command within the current list.

Public methodCode exampleAppendCaseBranchList(Int32, Int32)

Used in a switch-block, specifies a test case and the id of a target list.

Public methodCode exampleAppendCaseBranchList(Int32, UInt32)

Used in a switch-block, specifies a test case and the id of a target list.

Public methodCode exampleAppendCaseCallList(Int32, Int32)

Used in a switch-block, specifies a test case and the id of a target list.

Public methodCode exampleAppendCaseCallList(Int32, UInt32)

Used in a switch-block, specifies a test case and the id of a target list.

Public methodAppendCaseRel(Int32, Int32)

Used in a switch-block, specifies a test case and the relative offset of a target command within the current list.

Public methodAppendCaseRel(Int32, UInt32)

Used in a switch-block, specifies a test case and the relative offset of a target command within the current list.

Public methodAppendCaseToLabel(String, Int32) Used in a switch-block, specifies a test case and the labeled target command position within the current list.
Public methodAppendCaseToLabel(String, UInt32) Used in a switch-block, specifies a test case and the labeled target command position within the current list.
Public methodAppendCubicBezierAbs(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D)

Marks a cubic Bezier curve in 2D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point.

Public methodAppendCubicBezierAbs(Point3D, Point3D, Point3D)

Marks a cubic Bezier curve in 3D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point.

Public methodAppendCubicBezierAbs(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)

Marks a cubic Bezier curve in 2D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point.

Public methodAppendCubicBezierAbs(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)

Marks a cubic Bezier curve in 3D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point.

Public methodAppendCubicBezierRel(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D)

Marks a cubic Bezier curve in 2D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point.

Public methodAppendCubicBezierRel(Point3D, Point3D, Point3D)

Marks a cubic Bezier curve in 3D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point.

Public methodAppendCubicBezierRel(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)

Marks a cubic Bezier curve in 2D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point.

Public methodAppendCubicBezierRel(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)

Marks a cubic Bezier curve in 3D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point.

Public methodAppendDacValue

Outputs a value to a DAC.

Public methodAppendDashedLinePattern Sets a on/off pattern that is used when the dashed line feature is enabled.
Public methodAppendDefaultAbs

Used in a switch-block, specifies the default case and the absolute offset of a target command within the current list.

Public methodAppendDefaultBranchList

Used in a switch-block, specifies the default case and the id of a target list.

Public methodAppendDefaultCallList

Used in a switch-block, specifies the default case and the id of a target list.

Public methodAppendDefaultRel

Used in a switch-block, specifies the default case and the relative offset of a target command within the current list.

Public methodAppendDefaultToLabel Used in a switch-block, specifies the default case and the labelled target command position within the current list.
Public methodCode exampleAppendEllipseAbs(Point2D, Double, Double, Double)

Marks an elliptical arc from the current position, described by the given parameters and absolute center-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendEllipseAbs(Point3D, Double, Double, Double)

Marks an elliptical arc from the current position, described by the given parameters and absolute center-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendEllipseAbs(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)

Marks an elliptical arc from the current position, described by the given parameters and absolute center-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendEllipseAbs(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)

Marks an elliptical arc from the current position, described by the given parameters and absolute center-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendEllipseRel(Point2D, Double, Double, Double)

Marks an elliptical arc from the current position, described by the given parameters and relative center-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendEllipseRel(Point3D, Double, Double, Double)

Marks an elliptical arc from the current position, described by the given parameters and relative center-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendEllipseRel(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)

Marks an elliptical arc from the current position, described by the given parameters and relative center-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendEllipseRel(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)

Marks an elliptical arc from the current position, described by the given parameters and relative center-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendEllipticCurveAbs(Point2D, Double, Double, Double)

Marks an elliptical curve from the current position, described by the given parameters and absolute center-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendEllipticCurveAbs(Point3D, Double, Double, Double)

Marks an elliptical curve from the current position, described by the given parameters and absolute center-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendEllipticCurveAbs(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)

Marks an elliptical curve from the current position, described by the given parameters and absolute center-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendEllipticCurveAbs(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)

Marks an elliptical curve from the current position, described by the given parameters and absolute center-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendEllipticCurveRel(Point2D, Double, Double, Double)

Marks an elliptical curve from the current position, described by the given parameters and relative center-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendEllipticCurveRel(Point3D, Double, Double, Double)

Marks an elliptical curve from the current position, described by the given parameters and relative center-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendEllipticCurveRel(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)

Marks an elliptical curve from the current position, described by the given parameters and relative center-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendEllipticCurveRel(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)

Marks an elliptical curve from the current position, described by the given parameters and relative center-point coordinates.

Public methodAppendEnableDashedLine Enables or disables the dashed line marking mode.
Public methodAppendEnablePilot Enables or disables the pilot laser.
Public methodAppendEnablePowerCalibration Enables or disables power calibration.
Public methodAppendEnablePowerCorrection Enables or disables position dependent power correction.
Public methodAppendEnableVariableJumpDelay

Enables or disables the variable jump delay.

Public methodAppendEnableVariablePolyDelay

Enables or disables the variable poly delay.

Public methodAppendEnableVelocityCorrection Enables or disables velocity dependent power correction.
Public methodAppendEnableWobble

Enables/Disables wobble.

Public methodAppendEnhancedCommand

Sends an Enhanced Command to a scan-head.

Public methodAppendEvaluationLeadTime

Specifies the condition evaluation lead time for conditional flow-control commands.

Public methodAppendExitList

Returns from the list.

Public methodAppendExitList(String, Boolean)

Returns from the list.

Public methodAppendExitList(UInt32, IOPort, Boolean, Boolean, UInt32)

Returns from the list.

Public methodAppendGeneralEllipse Marks a general ellipse (ellipses / elliptical helices) defined by a 3D transformation of a standard helix with a given number of turns.

The parametric equation of the helix is

  • f(t) = M (cos(2πst) - 1, sin(2πst), t)T


  • s is the number of turns in the helix defined by sweepTurns
  • M is the transformation matrix composed from 3 column vectors u, v, and w
  • t ranges from 0 to 1
For full details of the parameters and how to use them, please refer to 9.1.4 General Ellipses.
Public methodAppendGpioValue

Outputs a value on a GPIO Port.

Public methodAppendHeadBias

Sets the offset which is applied to the field-corrected coordinates just prior to sending them to the scanner.

Public methodAppendIncrementCounter

Increments a specific mark counter. May be used to count things during marking operations.

Public methodAppendIntegerSet

Sets the value of a IntegerVariable.

Public methodCode exampleAppendJumpAbs(Point2D)

With the laser off, moves from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendJumpAbs(Point3D)

With the laser off, moves from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendJumpAbs(Double, Double)

With the laser off, moves from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendJumpAbs(Double, Double, Double)

With the laser off, moves from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates.

Public methodAppendJumpAndShoot(IListJumpAndShootItemPoint2D, PowerChannels)

Marks a path of pixels described by the list of given absolute co-ordinates, using the Jump-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendJumpAndShoot(IListJumpAndShootItemPoint3D, PowerChannels)

Marks a path of pixels described by the list of given absolute co-ordinates, using the Jump-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendJumpDelay

Specifies the delay introduced at the end of any JUMP vector .

Public methodAppendJumpLengthLimit

Sets the maximum length of a jump vector vor which the variable jump delay is used.

Public methodCode exampleAppendJumpRel(Point2D)

With the laser off, moves from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendJumpRel(Point3D)

With the laser off, moves from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendJumpRel(Double, Double)

With the laser off, moves from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendJumpRel(Double, Double, Double)

With the laser off, moves from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates.

Public methodAppendJumpSpeed

Specifies the required jump velocity at the target.

Public methodAppendLabel Appends a Label Declaration.
Public methodAppendLaserOff

Switches the laser off, if it was on.

Public methodAppendLaserOffDelay

Specifies the lag-time of the galvanometers with respect to the laser, when switching the laser off.

Public methodAppendLaserOn Switches the laser on indefinitely.
Public methodAppendLaserOn(Int32, Boolean) Switch the laser on for a specific pulse count.
Public methodAppendLaserOnDelay

Specifies the lag-time of the galvanometers with respect to the laser, when switching the laser on.

Public methodAppendLmFrequency

Sets the pulse frequency of the laser modulation output during marking.

Public methodAppendLmWidth

Sets the pulse width of the laser modulation output during marking.

Public methodAppendLoopBreak

Specifies that the execution of the containing loop should be terminate (perhaps prematurely). Execution is resumed at the command following the nearest LOOP_END.

Public methodCode exampleAppendLoopEnd

Specifies the end of a block of commands which can be executed in a loop.

Public methodCode exampleAppendLoopStart

Specifies the start of, and repeat-count for, a block of commands which will be executed repeatedly.

Public methodAppendMagnificationAbs

Specifies an absolute target magnification factor for the spot, and whether the magnification optics movement should be completed before, or proceed in parallel with, subsequent scanner commands.

Public methodAppendMagnificationRel

Specifies a relative target magnification factor for the spot, and whether the magnification optics movement should be completed before, or proceed in parallel with, subsequent scanner commands.

Public methodAppendMagnificationSpeed

Specifies the rate of change of magnification factor for spot magnification optics.

Public methodCode exampleAppendMarkAbs(Point2D)

Marks a straight line from the current position to the absolute end-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendMarkAbs(Point3D)

Marks a straight line from the current position to the absolute end-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendMarkAbs(Double, Double)

Marks a straight line from the current position to the absolute end-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendMarkAbs(Double, Double, Double)

Marks a straight line from the current position to the absolute end-point coordinates.

Public methodAppendMarkChar

Mark a single character at the current position, using the currently selected font.

Public methodAppendMarkCounter

Marks the value of the specified mark-counter starting at the current position, using the currently selected font.

Public methodAppendMarkDelay

Specifies the delay introduced between a MARK and a following non-MARK.

Public methodCode exampleAppendMarkRel(Point2D)

Marks a straight line from the current position to the relative end-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendMarkRel(Point3D)

Marks a straight line from the current position to the relative end-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendMarkRel(Double, Double)

Marks a straight line from the current position to the relative end-point coordinates.

Public methodCode exampleAppendMarkRel(Double, Double, Double)

Marks a straight line from the current position to the relative end-point coordinates.

Public methodAppendMarkSpeed

Specifies the required mark velocity at the target.

Public methodAppendMarkText Mark a string of characters, starting at the current position, using the currently selected font.
Public methodAppendMarkTime

Marks the current time as a string of characters starting at the current position, using the currently selected font and format.

Public methodAppendMicroVectors(IEnumerablePoint2DInt)Obsolete.
Appends a list of micro vectors to the list.
Public methodAppendMicroVectors(IEnumerablePoint3DInt)Obsolete.
Appends a list of micro vectors to the list.
Public methodAppendMinimumJumpDelay

Sets the minimum delay used for the variable jump delay.

Public methodAppendMotfTileOffset

When using MOTF, the tile offset combined with the MainDirection specifies the rotation center needed to correctly mark on a rotated part.

Public methodAppendMotfWaitDistance

When using MOTF, waits until the part has traveled the specified distance before marking is resumed.

Public methodAppendMotfWaitPart

When using MOTF, waits for the $PART_SENSOR input to become active.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineAbs(Point2D, Point2D, IEnumerableDouble, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineAbs(Point2D, Point2D, IEnumerableDouble, UInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineAbs(Point2D, Point2D, Double, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineAbs(Point3D, Point3D, IEnumerableDouble, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineAbs(Point3D, Point3D, IEnumerableDouble, UInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineAbs(Point3D, Point3D, Double, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineAbs(Double, Double, Double, Double, IEnumerableDouble, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineAbs(Double, Double, Double, Double, IEnumerableDouble, UInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineAbs(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineAbs(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, IEnumerableDouble, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineAbs(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, IEnumerableDouble, UInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineAbs(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given absolute co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineRel(Point2D, Point2D, IEnumerableDouble, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineRel(Point2D, Point2D, IEnumerableDouble, UInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineRel(Point2D, Point2D, Double, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineRel(Point3D, Point3D, IEnumerableDouble, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineRel(Point3D, Point3D, IEnumerableDouble, UInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineRel(Point3D, Point3D, Double, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineRel(Double, Double, Double, Double, IEnumerableDouble, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineRel(Double, Double, Double, Double, IEnumerableDouble, UInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineRel(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineRel(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, IEnumerableDouble, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineRel(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, IEnumerableDouble, UInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPointAndShootLineRel(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, IEnumerableUInt16, PowerChannels)

Marks a line of pixels from the current position to that described by the given relative co-ordinates, using the Point-And-Shoot algorithm.

Public methodAppendPolyDelay

Specifies the delay introduced between contiguous MARK vectors.

Public methodAppendPositions(IEnumerablePoint2D) Appends a list of 2D positions to the list.
Public methodAppendPositions(IEnumerablePoint3D) Appends a list of 3D positions to the list.
Public methodAppendPower(UInt16, PowerChannels) Specifies an immediate change of power level.
Public methodAppendPower(UInt16, Double, PowerChannels) Specifies a target power level and a rate of change.
Public methodAppendPowerScale

Specifies the current power scaling factor.

Public methodAppendProgress

The progress identifier can be used to track the progress of marking operations.

Public methodAppendQuadraticBezierAbs(Point2D, Point2D)

Marks a quadratic Bezier curve in 2D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point.

Public methodAppendQuadraticBezierAbs(Point3D, Point3D)

Marks a quadratic Bezier curve in 3D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point.

Public methodAppendQuadraticBezierAbs(Double, Double, Double, Double)

Marks a quadratic Bezier curve in 2D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point.

Public methodAppendQuadraticBezierAbs(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)

Marks a quadratic Bezier curve in 3D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point.

Public methodAppendQuadraticBezierRel(Point2D, Point2D)

Marks a quadratic Bezier curve in 2D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point.

Public methodAppendQuadraticBezierRel(Point3D, Point3D)

Marks a quadratic Bezier curve in 3D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point.

Public methodAppendQuadraticBezierRel(Double, Double, Double, Double)

Marks a quadratic Bezier curve in 2D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point.

Public methodAppendQuadraticBezierRel(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)

Marks a quadratic Bezier curve in 3D from the current position, using the control-point coordinates, to the end-point.

Public methodAppendScalingFactor(Point2D)

Sets the current scaling factor for vector co-ordinates.

Public methodAppendScalingFactor(Double, Double)

Sets the current scaling factor for vector co-ordinates.

Public methodAppendSelectFont

Specifies which font to use for marking characters with MARK_CHAR and MARK_TIME

Public methodAppendSelectHeadCorrection

Selects the correction file for the specified scan head.

Public methodAppendSerialPortTransmit(Byte)

Sends a message via the serial port.

Public methodAppendSerialPortTransmit(String)

Sends a message via the serial port.

Public methodAppendSerialPortTransmitLine

Sends a message and the configured end-of-line sequence via the serial port.

Public methodAppendSerialPortVerifyResponse(Byte, Byte)

Sends a message via the serial port, and waits for an expected response.

Public methodAppendSerialPortVerifyResponse(String, String)

Sends a message via the serial port, and waits for an expected response.

Public methodAppendSerialPortVerifyResponseLine

Sends a message via the serial port, and waits for an expected response.

Public methodAppendSignalReset

Resets a signal.

Public methodAppendSignalSet

Sets a signal.

Public methodAppendSimmerPower Specifies an immediate change of simmer power.
Public methodAppendSkyWritingAccelerationDelay

Sets the acceleration delay for skywriting feature.

Public methodAppendSkyWritingDecelerationDelay

Sets the deceleration delay for skywriting feature.

Public methodAppendSkyWritingExtensionTime

Sets the acceleration time for skywriting feature.

Public methodAppendSkyWritingLaserOffDelay

Sets the laser off delay for skywriting feature.

Public methodAppendSkyWritingLaserOnDelay

Sets the laser on delay for skywriting feature.

Public methodAppendSkyWritingMinCoH

Sets the minimum change of heading for skywriting feature.

Public methodAppendSkyWritingMode Selects the sky-writing mode, one of which is 'Disabled'.
Public methodAppendSleep

Does nothing for a specific time interval.

Public methodAppendSpeedScale

Specifies the current speed scaling factor.

Public methodAppendSpiWrite

Allows writing to an SPI module using the peripheral engine.

Public methodAppendStartMotf

When using MOTF, immediately starts tracking the encoder without requiring an external trigger event.

Public methodAppendStopMotf(Point2D)

When using MOTF, disables tracking, moves to the specified position and resets the MOTF offsets to 0.

Public methodAppendStopMotf(Point3D)

When using MOTF, disables tracking, moves to the specified position and resets the MOTF offsets to 0.

Public methodAppendStopMotf(Double, Double)

When using MOTF, disables tracking, moves to the specified position and resets the MOTF offsets to 0.

Public methodAppendStopMotf(Double, Double, Double)

When using MOTF, disables tracking, moves to the specified position and resets the MOTF offsets to 0.

Public methodAppendSuspend

Suspends pre-computation until execution is within EvaluationLeadTime.

Public methodCode exampleAppendSwitch(String)

Introduces a switch-block, and specifies the variable against which the case(s) will be tested.

Public methodCode exampleAppendSwitch(IOPort, Boolean, UInt32)

Introduces a switch-block, and specifies the port against which the case(s) will be tested.

Public methodAppendTraceConfig

Configures the Trace Buffer.

Public methodAppendTraceLabel

Sets a label in the Trace Buffer.

Public methodAppendTransformation

Sets the transformation factors for vector co-ordinates.

Public methodAppendWaitForInput

Waits for a condition on a given IO-Port.

Public methodAppendWaitForSignal

Waits for a signal to be set.

Public methodAppendWaitStart

Waits for the START_MARK signal to become active.

Public methodAppendWobbleAmplitude

Sets the amplitude used for wobble.

Public methodAppendWobbleCircle Sets the Amplitude, Frequency and the appropriate Phase for circular wobbling.
Public methodAppendWobbleEight Sets the Amplitude, Frequency and the appropriate Phase for wobbling of an eight shape.
Public methodAppendWobbleFrequency

Sets the frequency used for wobble.

Public methodAppendWobblePhase

Sets the phase offset used for wobble.

Public methodClear Clears all commands and labels from the list.
Public methodStatic memberFromString Creates a CommandList object from its string representation.
Public methodGetLabelIndex Gets the position index of the label within the list.
Public methodInsert Inserts a Command into the list at the specified position.
Public methodInsertRange Inserts the contents of another CommandList into the current list at the specified position.
Public methodStatic memberLoadLoads a command list from a file.
Public methodRemove Remove the first occurrence of the referenced Command from the list.
Public methodRemoveAt Removes the Command at the specified position from the list.
Public methodRemoveRange Removes a given number of Command s, starting at the specified position, from the list
Public methodResolveBranchesAndLabels Resolves all the branches and labels used in the command list.
Public methodToString Retrieves the contents of the CommandList in string-format.
(Overrides Spice3CommandList.ToString)
See Also