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CommandListAppendBranchList(Int32, UInt32, IOPort, Boolean, Boolean, UInt32) Method

Conditionally branches to the specified list.

Namespace: RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib
Assembly: RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib (in RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib.dll) Version: 3.7.0
public void AppendBranchList(
	int listID,
	uint cond,
	IOPort port,
	bool compareCondAsMask,
	bool ifNotTrue = false,
	uint mask = 4294967295


listID  Int32
The target list identifier.
cond  UInt32
The condition mask. Note that how this value is matched against the I/O port value depends on the compareCondAsMask flag and on mask.
port  IOPort
The port which is queried to test the condition against.
compareCondAsMask  Boolean
cond value (cv) must exactly match the I/O port value (pv) read back from port at the time of execution.
Only the bits set in mask are compared.
The condition evaluates to true if (cv & mask) == (pv & mask).
cond value (cv) itself is applied as a bit mask to the I/O port value (pv) read back from port at the time of execution.

The condition evaluates to true if (cv & pv) != 0.

ifNotTrue  Boolean  (Optional)
false (default)
The branch is taken if the condition is true.
The branch is taken if the condition is false.
mask  UInt32  (Optional)
This is only used when compareCondAsMask is set to false. Only the bits set to 1 in mask are compared. All bits set to 0 are ignored.

Appends a BRANCH_LIST_COND command to the list.

The calling list becomes idle and as a result triggers a ListIdle event. Furthermore, as execution control is surrendered by the calling list, it is no longer busy, but instead the target list becomes busy.

For every Execute(Int32) only one ListDone event will be sent along with the list ID of the final list that was executing.

Caution note  Caution

Conditional BRANCH commands do NOT automatically de-activate the laser.

See also: 12.9 Notes on Flow-Control Commands.

Common CallList and BranchList Command Examples
int sublistID = 333;

uint bitmask = 0x5AA5;

string varname = "var";

CommandList list = new CommandList();
list.AppendJumpAbs( 0, 0 );
list.AppendMarkAbs( 500, 500 );
list.AppendJumpAbs( 100, 200 );

// Append a CallList or BranchList command at the end of the main list:
for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
    switch ( i )
        case 0:
            list.AppendCallList( sublistID ); // Unconditional

        case 1:
            list.AppendCallList( sublistID, bitmask, IOPort.PortB, true ); // Conditional on value read from port.

        case 2:
            list.AppendCallList( sublistID, varname ); // Conditional on value of the boolean variable on the card.

        case 3:
            list.AppendBranchList( sublistID ); // Unconditional

        case 4:
            list.AppendBranchList( sublistID, bitmask, IOPort.PortB, true ); // Conditional on value read from port.

        case 5:
            list.AppendBranchList( sublistID, varname ); // Conditional on value of the boolean variable on the card.


    Console.WriteLine( $"{i + 1}: list commands:" );
    int count = 0;
    foreach ( var cmd in list )
        if ( count < ( list.Count - 2 ) )
            Console.Write( $" {count++}: {cmd.ToString()} " );
            Console.WriteLine( $" {count++}: {cmd.ToString()}" );

    list.RemoveAt( list.Count - 1 ); // we're going to replace the call or branch command, but re-use the rest of the list

// output should be:
// 1: list commands:
//  0: { JA, P2D[ X=0 Y=0 ] }  1: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  2: { JA, P2D[ X=100 Y=200 ] }
//  3: { CL, I32[ 333 ] }
// 2: list commands:
//  0: { JA, P2D[ X=0 Y=0 ] }  1: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  2: { JA, P2D[ X=100 Y=200 ] }
//  3: { CLC, I32[ 333 ], U32[ 23205 ], I32[ 1 ], Bool[ False ], Bool[ True ], U32[ 4294967295 ] }
// 3: list commands:
//  0: { JA, P2D[ X=0 Y=0 ] }  1: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  2: { JA, P2D[ X=100 Y=200 ] }
//  3: { CLCF, I32[ 333 ], U32[ 2317739966 ], Bool[ False ] }
// 4: list commands:
//  0: { JA, P2D[ X=0 Y=0 ] }  1: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  2: { JA, P2D[ X=100 Y=200 ] }
//  3: { BRL, I32[ 333 ] }
// 5: list commands:
//  0: { JA, P2D[ X=0 Y=0 ] }  1: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  2: { JA, P2D[ X=100 Y=200 ] }
//  3: { BRLC, I32[ 333 ], U32[ 23205 ], I32[ 1 ], Bool[ False ], Bool[ True ], U32[ 4294967295 ] }
// 6: list commands:
//  0: { JA, P2D[ X=0 Y=0 ] }  1: { MA, P2D[ X=500 Y=500 ] }  2: { JA, P2D[ X=100 Y=200 ] }
//  3: { BRLCF, I32[ 333 ], U32[ 2317739966 ], Bool[ False ] }
See Also