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CommandListAppendSelectHeadCorrection Method

Selects the correction file for the specified scan head.

Namespace: RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib
Assembly: RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib (in RAYLASE.SPICE3.ClientLib.dll) Version: 3.7.0
public void AppendSelectHeadCorrection(
	int head,
	int correction


head  Int32
The head selector.
correction  Int32
The selector for the correction table that should be used.

Note that for dual-head systems, only two tables per head are supported, i.e. correction may be 0 or 1.

For single-head systems, up to four tables are supported, i.e. correction may be 0, 1, 2, or3.


Appends a FCORR_SELECT_CORRECTION command to the list.

See Also