Click or drag to resize

17.3 How to reset the card's settings via the Web Interface

From the SP-ICE-3 Card's Web-Interface it is possible to reset, either selectively or entirely, the card's settings and configuration data to their factory default values.

How to access the Reset Page on the card's Web-Interface

  1. Please see: 17.2 How to Open the Card's Web Interface

  2. Select the Reset Page:

    SP-ICE-3 Web Interface-Reset-Start
How to reset the Network Settings to factory default values.
Caution note  Caution

If your current Network Settings include a non-default IPv4 Address value, you will no longer be able to access the card at that address after the Network Settings have been reset.

  1. On the RESET page, click the Network... button

  2. You will be asked to confirm (or cancel) your reset request:

    SP-ICE-3 Web Interface-Reset-Network-Confirm
  3. Click OK to initiate the reset.

    The card will then automatically reboot.

After the SP-ICE-3 Card has rebooted successfully, all network settings should have their factory default values.

How to reset the Configuration Data to factory default values.
  1. On the RESET page, click the Network... button

  2. You will be asked to confirm (or cancel) your reset request:

    SP-ICE-3 Web Interface-Reset-Configuration-Confirm
  3. Click OK to initiate the reset.

    The card will then automatically reboot.

After the SP-ICE-3 Card has rebooted successfully, all configuration data should have their factory default values.

How to reset everything on the the card to factory default values.
Caution note  Caution

This returns the card to its original factory-fresh condition!

  • Network Settings and Configuration Data are reset to factory defaults.

  • The Web-Interface password is reset to the default value ("raylase")

  • All stored Lists and Correction Pageles are deleted.

  • All Log Files are deleted.

  1. On the RESET page, click the Factory Defaults... button

  2. You will be asked to confirm (or cancel) your reset request:

    SP-ICE-3 Web Interface-Reset-Factory-Confirm
  3. Click OK to initiate the reset.

    The card will then automatically reboot.

After the SP-ICE-3 Card has rebooted successfully, it should have factory default values for everything.