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17.7 How to check Firmware and ClientLib compatibility

The SP-ICE-3 Card's Firmware is, by design, backwards-compatible with earlier versions of the ClientLib.

On the other hand, later versions of the ClientLib may well make use of functionality which is not implemented in earlier versions of the card's Firmware.

The ClientLib and the Firmware are equipped with a version comparision mechanism which detects version mismatches automatically, and raises an exception in such cases.

The SP-ICE-3 Configuration Tool (SPICE3Config.exe), which is installed by default on the Host-PC, and may be used to check the compatibility of a given card's firmware with the ClientLib on the Host-PC.

Please follow the General Configuration Procedure for preparatory steps leading up to start of the following procedure.

Check Firmware Compatibility Procedure

  • To check that the SP-ICE-3 Card's and the ClientLib's Product Versions match (sufficiently), simply open the Help|About... dialog while the General tab is displayed:

    SP-ICE-3 Configuration-About Box
See Also