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17.6 How to check which Firmware Image has been booted

As mentioned in 17.5 Firmware Images and SD-Card Partitions, 17.8.1 Fail-Safe Update Mechanism, and 18.1 Power LED Signalling, the SP-ICE-3 Card implements a fallback mechanism for use in the event that it fails to boot the current firmware image.

Procedure: Checking which image has booted.

  1. Open the card's Web Interface: see:17.2 How to Open the Card's Web Interface.

  2. Select the STATUS page.

  3. Scroll down to see the Boot info text box:

    SP-ICE-3 Web Interface: Status with Boot Info Message
    SP-ICE-3 WebIF Status with Boot Message
    Interpretation of Boot Info Messages.



    "label SYS1" or "label SYS2"

    Either the current or previous image has booted.

    Check the SP-ICE-3 version overview to determine which it is.

    "label RECOVERY"

    The recovery image has booted.

See Also